
I was in the midst of dealing with thoughts of hopeless sinfulness that this came to me and I found comfort in it. I hope you do too :))

The Lord God whom we have offended by our sins and stubborn ways is seeking after us. It is not simply that we are hopeless and must journey alone through the world. It is not that we must try to attain victory by ourselves! No! But it is that while we yet afar off, yes, while we are still sinning that Jesus goes looking for us.
The soul is of great price to the Father. Jesus His Son was spent for it. Jesus Himself considers the soul the most precious thing. He prophesied of its redemption, and then died for it. He convicts it and draws it close to Him, giving spiritual discernment.
If the soul is so valuable to the Lord, then why is it of so little value to us? Jesus looks upon the work of the soul as the most precious work of all! Saving souls is His very mission and yet we compromise His favour by one trifle act? One unsanctioned thing?
By so doing, we show we care not for the great sacrifice Jesus made for us. We show that hell is more desirable to us then heaven! Can you see the very significance of this? Is there anything that is of such great import that it should result in Christ turning His face away?
Each act, however harmless or innocent it may be, when done without seeking the Lord’s counsel is of huge consequence to the soul. Consider this:
This morning I awoke at the appointed hour so that I might pray. The night before I had told the Lord I would be eager to come converse with Him again. But did I keep my promise in this early hour? No! I instead counted my comfort as highest priority and took a shower, afterwards coming before the Lord in prayer.
Now the Spirit of the Lord had left me and I felt no great need for Jesus. I felt secure in my self, -O, what a dangerous thought! As I knelt before the Lord, begging His presence, it was shown me that no longer was I in His favour. Why? Because I had not acknowledged Him when I awoke and had counted my own comfort as a more necessary thing than the cleansing of my soul!
It is not the shower that was wrong – nay- but it was the spirit of my heart. You see, in telling my Lord that I would come before Him in the morning I had signified that His presence and honour was more dear to me than my own leisure. But when I took the shower instead of coming before Him, I signified that I could make false statements to God and get away with it, and that I could come and go before the Lord according to my judgement! Ah, what folly!
The Lord has said “Seek Me first” and “In all your ways acknowledge Me.” Oh that we might take this charge to heart! None of us are free from this sin. Who do you consider most worthy of your affections? What takes up your time? Examine your ways, search your heart! Time is fast running out. Seek the Lord while He might be found!
Let us all, along with Isaiah and the people of Israel confess:
Men have not heard nor perceived by the ear,

Nor has the eye seen any God besides You,
Who acts for the one who waits for Him.
You meet him who rejoices and does righteousness,
Who remembers You in Your ways.
You are indeed angry, for we have sinned—
In these ways we continue;
And we need to be saved.

But we are all like an unclean thing,

And all our righteousnesses are like filthy rags;
We all fade as a leaf,
And our iniquities, like the wind,
Have taken us away.
And there is no one who calls on Your name,
Who stirs himself up to take hold of You;
For You have hidden Your face from us,
And have consumed us because of our iniquities.

But now, O Lord,

You are our Father;
We are the clay, and You our potter;
And all we are the work of Your hand.
Do not be furious, O Lord,
Nor remember iniquity forever;
Indeed, please look—we all are Your people!

Peace to you.


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