I'm Dreaming of...

    For a long time I have felt called to work in the northern regions of Canada as a health worker to the Native people. In the far northern regions health care can be very hard to access and often people live with ailments that could be made better simply through access to better healthcare
    Over the years, this calling, or dream as you could call it, has been confusing. There have been times where I have thought that maybe I had just made it up, but then other times it felt so strong I could not deny it. But there is one experience I can point to that seems to settle these fears every time I think of it. 
It happened when I was about 14 years old. My family had decided to move to Michigan, USA, from Alberta, CA. The move made me think long and hard about the validity of my ''calling'', and I remember standing in front of my large. bay windows in my empty house in Alberta crying and asking God what this meant. As I stood there, I looked into the night sky and in the darkness saw green northern lights dancing across the sky. As I saw them I thought about the rainbow of promise that Noah had seen by the ark, and then I heard ''Hadassah, I'm taking you from here for now, but I'll bring you back. Every time you see northern lights, think of your dream and go forward. I will bring you back.''. And immediately I felt peace. I believe it was God who showed me those lights and told me to keep this dream in mind, and so, I move forward each day towards that work which He has set before me. Below, are two poems that I wrote related to that incident. 

''When I was a kid, I had a dream
A dream of northern nights and Tepee lights
But then I got older,
Things changed
Maybe the dream was...
Just a kid thing
I wondered, I prayed
I moved and I stayed
Then in the night,
I saw Northern Lights
And heard my God say
'It's not gone away'''

''I don't believe in stars
In how they speak and talk
I don't believe they even care
aligning my walk 
I don't believe in their control
bits of gas pushing me on my way
I do believe in Higher powers though
In Someone bigger than us
I do believe in God
Who uses stars to speak
I do believe in northern lights
I do believe in a Higher power
Who uses nature to speak''


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