Come, Let Us Reason Together...
“How the faithful city has become a harlot!
It was full
of justice;
lodged in it,
But now
Your silver
has become dross,
Your wine
mixed with water.
Your princes
are rebellious,
And companions
of thieves;
loves bribes,
And follows
after rewards.
They do not
defend the fatherless,
Nor does the cause
of the widow come before them.”
Oh, the utter sadness and dismal
failure this passage speaks of! God, weeping over His city Jerusalem. Mourning
over how she has rejected Him as her Provider, her God, and her Lover. Now her blessings
have become useless and her beauty ugly. She is broken, in fact, she is so
broken that it is impossible for her to repair herself. She is just spiralling
deeper, and deeper, and deeper into destruction.
Have you ever been here? Where Jerusalem
is? Destitute, broken, in need of God and yet feeling totally incapable of
coming back to Him? Or, feeling destitute and broken because of what you have
willfully chosen and yet you still need God? I’ve been here. Over and over
again, one stupid mistake after another. “God, where are you??” I cry.
It’s really a horrible place to be.
But thankfully the passage doesn’t end there, it goes on to say:
“Ah, I will
rid Myself of My adversaries,
And take vengeance
on My enemies.
I will turn
My hand against you,
And thoroughly
purge away your dross,
And take away
all your alloy.
I will
restore your judges as at the first,
And your
counselors as at the beginning.
Afterward you
shall be called the city of righteousness,
the faithful
The hope in this passage is like static
electricity. It lights the whole chapter up. God is frustrated with His people.
But He loves them and He knows their problem. Their problem is more than just taking
bribes and not defending the fatherless, it is a sin of the heart. Their hearts
are corrupt with self-love and pride. They are greedy and full of selfish,
grasping schemes. Their heart has never been
converted. This is exactly what led them to the ruin they are in today.
God, being merciful rebukes them and
tells them He is going to punish them for their wrong in order to purge away their dross this punishment is not borne out
of frustrated emotion on God’s part. It is a promise to change the nation’s
heart and fix their problems.
God goes on to say that once the nation’s
heart is changed and turned towards Him, He is going to accomplish His original
purpose – give them judges to represent Him and give Himself as their King. This
promise is vaster than it seems. God is taking the children of Israel from the
books of Kings all the way back to Judges! That was His original plan all
along. That they might keep Him as their one and only King. What we see here is
a God of magnificent love. He protects, leads and rescues His people during and
after they pursue a course contrary to His will. And even after doing all that,
He promises to still solve their biggest problem – a diseased heart. “If you
are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land.” Are you willing?
*the passage referred to is Isaiah 1:21-26*
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