
   Jesus' love makes no sense! None! Not at all! He came to this earth, grew up poor and mocked for 
being different (He was God, so that was defiantly different), was hated by the priests He appointed to tell of His coming, was doubted by the people He came to save, was deserted, denied, and betrayed by His twelve closest friends (right when He needed them most) and finally was murdered for being holy. 
And then He rose up and promised salvation to the very ones who had made His life miserable! Not only that, but He went on and found His twelve deserting friends and entrusted to them the finishing of the very work He Himself had started. It feels like foolish love. It looks like naivety. It is grace.
    God is like a parent whose child - whose rebellious child - has run away and hurt himself. Even though the child has been mean and rebellious, the parent still loves and wants to care for him. Nothing can break the cord of love between parent and child. And nothing can break the cord of love between God and humanity. 
   The priests killed Jesus, Peter denied Jesus, the people mocked Jesus, you have sinned against Jesus. Jesus offered salvation to the Priests, He reclaimed Peter, He loved the people, He has saved you. Jesus' love makes no sense. Don't try to figure it all out. Just believe! And you will be saved. Jesus is waiting at the door of your heart, won't you open it? 


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